Who are we?

I (Rebecca Jorgensen, or Becca, as my friends call me) have dreamed of working with horses since I was 12. The dream has changed a lot over the past several years. With much prayer and a willing heart, God has led me to what I believe is His will. Wooden Cross Percherons (though not there yet) is based on the thought of a small family-owned Percheron breeding/training farm with an outreach to kids, all kids!
In the immediate future, Wooden Cross is using "the boys" (Ben and Levi) on kid-based functions, from youth-groups to Jr fairs, plus our favorites-- one-on-one opportunities or mentoring with individual kids.
So now you know who we are and I hope that we can get to know you!

The Boys!

The Boys!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter here in the Northwoods!

Winter has arrived a bit early this year. We usually don't get very far below 0 before January but the last three mornings have dawned in the -20 to -15 range! Needless to say, keeping the water thawed out is impossible! The boys are keeping themselves exercised by playing with each other and their Jolly Balls. (Yes, those do actually work for the draft horses!)
  I am all ready for Christmas. All of my shopping is done and pretty soon I'll be getting my wrapping done too! I'd love to share with you what goodies I have, but then that would spoil the surprise for any of my gift-receivers reading this!
  Well, I would love to share more but I have a piano student arriving at any minute so I better get going.
God Bless you all!
Becca and boys!

Levi with a Santa Hat!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


  Welcome to my first blog. We will see how this goes.  It is snowing today in our little corner of the world. Matt, my brother, and I are going today for a lunch date and finding a Christmas tree. We want to get it up before Mom's birthday on Wednesday.
 Ben is doing well and is slowly healing from his bruised frog and Levi is growing like a weed. Keep checking this blog as I get better at it and put up more photos and updates.
Have a great day and God Bless. Remember the Reason for this Season!
Merry Christmas,