Who are we?

I (Rebecca Jorgensen, or Becca, as my friends call me) have dreamed of working with horses since I was 12. The dream has changed a lot over the past several years. With much prayer and a willing heart, God has led me to what I believe is His will. Wooden Cross Percherons (though not there yet) is based on the thought of a small family-owned Percheron breeding/training farm with an outreach to kids, all kids!
In the immediate future, Wooden Cross is using "the boys" (Ben and Levi) on kid-based functions, from youth-groups to Jr fairs, plus our favorites-- one-on-one opportunities or mentoring with individual kids.
So now you know who we are and I hope that we can get to know you!

The Boys!

The Boys!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Been Awhile!

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted so here is a quick update! Levi is doing wonderful in training. He should be on the cart VERY soon...like as soon as the snow melts off of my cart! :) I am riding behind him on a small sled at a walk and trot for 20 mins at a time. He is growing very well. He's standing at almost 17.2hh at the hips, though his withers need to catch up. I have also noticed that Levi's feet and legs are BIGGER than Ben's are...he's going to grow up to be a big boy!
  Ben, praise the Lord, is doing better than he has in two years! He is hot-to-trot and ready to rip-and-rear all the time. This past weekend, due to an extreme amount of moisture in the air and on the ground, was the first and only time that I had to Bute Ben this winter. He's lost about 250#'s which has made him feel so much better and is looking GOOD!!
  I hope that everyone else has had the great winter that we have had!!
God Bless!