Who are we?

I (Rebecca Jorgensen, or Becca, as my friends call me) have dreamed of working with horses since I was 12. The dream has changed a lot over the past several years. With much prayer and a willing heart, God has led me to what I believe is His will. Wooden Cross Percherons (though not there yet) is based on the thought of a small family-owned Percheron breeding/training farm with an outreach to kids, all kids!
In the immediate future, Wooden Cross is using "the boys" (Ben and Levi) on kid-based functions, from youth-groups to Jr fairs, plus our favorites-- one-on-one opportunities or mentoring with individual kids.
So now you know who we are and I hope that we can get to know you!

The Boys!

The Boys!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Yes! It's still winter!

Hello everyone!
  Well, we are just coming out of a spell where our low temperatures were down around -25 degrees F. Little bit on the chilly side for certain! Other than having the common head-cold that is going around, I am doing well and keeping busy as usual!
  Ben and Levi are LOVING this cold weather...to me they are somewhat crazy with that thinking! They are out playing ball every chance they get. (see previous post for a video!)
 Levi is now standing about 15.2 hh and weighs in at 1100 pounds. He is looking quite drafty and very nice, and he knows it! We are still working on some manners but he is much more of a gentleman now than what he was!
 Ben is needing to be driven and has an attitude right now. He gets that way when he's not driven weekly!  The farrier was out a week ago and helped me get front shoes back on him so we are ready to go. One day this week I'm hoping to be able to get out and drive him!

This past Sunday, the 23, I was able to go to a very good friend of mine's and spend a day with him on his Percheron breeding farm. It was very enjoyable but also quite cold.  I was glad for the woodstove and hot cocoa supply! I got to see Levi's dam and granddam, both very pregnant with spring babies, as well as some of the younger brood/show mares coming up!

Well, I pray that you all are staying healthy this winter. I will leave you with this quote from another blog I read:

Of Life and The Yellow Lights

When it comes to yellow lights, do I hurry through and possibly get a ticket or run over that confused looking squirrel? It never gets cold here so when it does repeatedly, the wildlife and native Floridians don’t quite know what to do.
Do I hurry through or do I just stop on a dime and scare the guy in the Lexus behind me talking on his phone way to close to my bumper?
If the light is green I can just keep on singing with Holland Davis blaring on my radio, if it is red… I can just keep on singing with Holland Davis blaring on my radio.
But if I am approaching a light that is yellow, all of a sudden I have to check my speed, the speed of people around me and the myriad of factors that may or may not affect my general chances of making it through the intersection safely.  Plus, I have to check out if someone crazy is acting all Speed Racer at the starting line on the cross street.
The Yellow light is a big HEY PAY ATTENTION!!! If you don’t you might cause a lot of damage, get really hurt or at the worst die.
I have no doubt that many a preacher, teacher or anyone with half a brain has used this symbol as a metaphor for life.  But it is one that I actually like.
From time to time we all get relational yellow lights.  Something/Someone is saying, hey, relax…look around and evaluate.  Don’t allow the end destination to blind you from reality or the current circumstance.Don’t make brash decisions at personal harm or at the expense of those around us. It’s never hurtful to err on the side of caution in order to properly evaluate. Relationships are truly our most important investments.  If we need to stop for a moment, allow life to flow around us and sing with Holland Davis on the radio … it’s ok.
The wonderful thing is that Jesus isn’t a non-emotional you only have one of three options cosmic robot. He is a Good Shepherd. If He is sending up a caution warning He has given you Himself, His word and His people to help assess your current circumstance and how best to continue your journey.
A journey that He has promised to always be by your side in.
For some that caution comes in a general feeling of unease, for others they know clearly that things just aren’t adding up.  Regardless of how we “discern” caution, that feeling or knowledge is a gift of God to help us along.
By paying attention to Him, we will learn to enjoy the journey safely instead of blindly rushing through the circumstance.  Yellow lights have a purpose and red lights don’t last forever.  Then when we get the green light we can continue through the intersections of life with confidence.
And remember to not hit the half frozen confused little squirrel. 

God Bless you on a new week.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winter is keeping us busy!

Happy New Year to you all!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I had a wonderful holiday and this Saturday is my last Christmas party...Flambeau Riders' horse club is having their Christmas party. As Vice-president, I was put in charge of the year-end slideshow! That is wrapped up and burned and I am very pleased with it.

The boys have been enjoying this cold weather. Unfortunately, we had a melt and now everything is covered in ice. I'm praying that we get some snow here pretty soon! Here is a link to a video of what they have been doing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRjy5lXLFbw . Ben's greasy heel has come back to rear it's ugly head so I have to go back to treating that! Fun, fun!!

Well, I need to get back to work! I'll leave you with a Bible verse. Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Keep the Lord first and have a great week!