Who are we?

I (Rebecca Jorgensen, or Becca, as my friends call me) have dreamed of working with horses since I was 12. The dream has changed a lot over the past several years. With much prayer and a willing heart, God has led me to what I believe is His will. Wooden Cross Percherons (though not there yet) is based on the thought of a small family-owned Percheron breeding/training farm with an outreach to kids, all kids!
In the immediate future, Wooden Cross is using "the boys" (Ben and Levi) on kid-based functions, from youth-groups to Jr fairs, plus our favorites-- one-on-one opportunities or mentoring with individual kids.
So now you know who we are and I hope that we can get to know you!

The Boys!

The Boys!

Friday, October 14, 2011

A tribute to a special friend.

No, this friend did not die.... BUT, today is a special day for us. It's our 4th anniversary of being together. He is a very special friend who has helped me through a lot! His name is Ben.

  Four years ago today, I brought Ben home. In the 6 weeks previous, we had been acquainted and I had learned the basics of Draft Horse handling. Now it was time for us to step out together and see where the road would lead us. A few short, too short, months later, my family made a 600 mile move to a different state; away from all of my friends, mentors, and everything that I called familiar, except Ben. Ben helped me get involved in 4-H groups and horse groups. His many feet issues led me to take an on-line farrier's course, something I would have never done on my own. His quiet personality was my solace for many a tear-filled eye as I was ignored by girls my age and as I watched my father turn his back on his family. His loving eye reassured me that I was doing what I needed to do with him. His gentle breath and kisses were what kept me getting up to face every day.

   Then it was the second year. I had a few friends, though I would eventually lose some of them. My father was walking farther away from us and God. Summer brought a time of joy as I showed Ben at different shows that were a retreat and way of losing some of the stress at home. And then August hit. One man's irresponsibility and a freak accident made me almost lose the love of my life. As I stayed by Ben's side for a week straight, I begged God to spare my horse, even if he would have permanent health damage. I cried many tears during that time and I saw who my real friends were. The friends like Katie, who came over just to be there for me. The friends like Wieas's and Joel, who were available 24/7 when I needed help and who walked me through many a treatment that eventually saved Ben's life. And the many friends and neighbors who prayed for Ben's life to be spared. God spared my horse, as I asked, but Ben would never fully recover.
  A hard year was followed by a harder, yet joyful, year. Ben got a buddy! Levi came into my life in the spring of 2010 and when I brought him home, Ben was sooo happy to have someone to be with. Ben helped me teach Levi all the things that horses were supposed to do. That August, exactly one year to the day that Ben fell ill, I showed Ben at the local riding club's horse show and Ben came out with the Grand Champion award. It was a tough class but God smiled on me and blessed me.
  And now this year. Ben's health declined rapidly and his steady show days are done. He can still show halter at most all of the shows I go to but Levi will take over as my hitch horse this coming year. Ben still is the horse I go to when I need some "healing" time. My father issued divorce papers and is out of the house and as these things get difficult to go through, Ben is who is always there for me.
  We've been together for four years and I pray God will give us at least four more. My favorite song is Bless the Broken Road by Rascall Flatts:
  "Every long lost dream / Lead me to where you are / Others who broke my heart / They were like northern stars / Pointing me on my way / Into your loving arms (or hooves?) / This much I know is true / That God Blessed the Broken Road / And led me straight to you"

Thank you God for Blessing my Broken Road with Ben.
